121 GB/T 8518-1987 振動樁錘技術條件 Vibratory pile hammer--Technical condition 122 GB/T 8590-1988 推土機 術語 Bulldozer term
2017-01-02 16:58
151 GB/T 4257-1984 擴孔鉆技術條件 Core drills--Technical requirements 152 GB/T 4258-1984 60°、90°、120°直柄錐面锪鉆 Countersin
2017-01-02 16:58
51 GB/T 90-1985 緊固件驗收檢查、標志與包裝 Acceptance inspection,marking and packaging of fasteners 52 GB/T 91-1986 開口銷 Spli
2017-01-02 16:58
121 GB/T 14223-1993 內燃機活塞環 梯形環和楔形環 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--Keystone rings and half keystone
2017-01-02 16:58
151 GB/T 866-1986 半沉頭鉚釘 (粗制) Oval countersunk head rivets--Black 152 GB/T 867-1986 半圓頭鉚釘 Round head rivets 153
2017-01-02 16:58
1 GB 567-1989 拱形金屬爆破片技術條件 Specification for domed metallic bursting discs 2 GB/T 783-1987 起重機械 最大起重量系列 Lifting
2017-01-02 16:58
161 GB/T 10596.1-1989 埋刮板輸送機型式與基本參數 Type and basic parameters of En-Masse conveyer 162 GB/T 10596.2-1989 埋刮板輸送機
2017-01-02 16:58
201 GB/T 5766-1996 摩擦材料洛氏硬度試驗方法 Test method of Rockwell hardness for friction materials 202 GB/T 5806-1986 銼刀通用
2017-01-02 16:58
1 GB/T 725-1991 內燃機產品名稱和型號編制規則 Internal combustion engines—Nomenclature and code of designations 2 GB/T 726-199
2017-01-02 16:58
61 GB/T 6913.2-1986 鍋爐用水和冷卻水分析方法 磷酸鹽的測定 總無機磷酸鹽 Methods for analysis of water for boiler and for cooling--The de
2017-01-02 16:58
976 GB/T 15856.2-1995 十字槽沉頭自鉆自攻螺釘 Cross recessed countersunk head self-drilling tapping screws 977 GB/T 158
2017-01-02 16:58
151 GB/T 4257-1984 擴孔鉆技術條件 Core drills--Technical requirements 152 GB/T 4258-1984 60°、90°、120°直柄錐面锪鉆 Count
2017-01-02 16:57
901 GB/T 12616-1990 封閉型沉頭抽芯鉚釘 120 deg flush head break mandrel closed end blind rivets 902 GB/T 12617-1990
2017-01-02 16:57
826 GB/T 10107.1-1988 擺線針輪行星傳動 基本術語 Basic terminology of cycloidal drives 827 GB/T 10107.2-1988 擺線針輪行星傳動 圖示
2017-01-02 16:57
241 GB/T 13756-1992 三足式離心機型式和基本參數 Three-column centrifuge--Types and basic parameters 242 GB/T 13928-1992 微型往
2017-01-02 16:57
451 GB/T 5282-1985 開槽盤頭自攻螺釘 Slotted pan head tapping screws 452 GB/T 5283-1985 開槽沉頭自攻螺釘 Slotted countersunk
2017-01-02 16:57
751 GB/T 9121.5-1988 PN 1.6MPa(16 bar) 凹凸面平焊環松套板式鋼制管法蘭 Loose plate steel pipe flanges with weld-on collar with
2017-01-02 16:57
1 GB 567-1989 拱形金屬爆破片技術條件 Specification for domed metallic bursting discs 2 GB/T 783-1987 起重機械 最大起重量系列 Lifti
2017-01-02 16:57
376 GB/T 3740.1-1983 卡套式直角管接頭 Union elbow--Assembly 377 GB/T 3740.2-1983 卡套式直角接頭體 Union elbow--Body 378
2017-01-02 16:57